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Generally, an uneducated man will find it harder to express his views and opinions owning to lack of confidence. He also said that kings should not have absolute power, that is, power without limits. By keeping the function of a regime to the bare essentials, it won’t harbor thoughts of extending power. It was put into place to protect the rights of the people so that government and government agencies cannot impose laws that restrict the freedoms and liberties of the people. Government, by definition, is the governing authority of a political unit. For this reason, it must specify objective laws to clarify the use of force, and it must have the ability to enforce these laws. Good Credit Credit is part of your financial power. causing injustice through advantaging some at the expense of others . Big Government Vs. Small Government: What You Need to Know Is a big government the key to smooth functioning of the nation, or is it a small government that lays the foundation for efficient administration? Â Everyone will have freedom and each will claim his rights as appropriate even if these may harm his fellowmen. A strong government is one that is governed by the people, not the other way round. Start your 48-hour free trial and unlock all the summaries, Q&A, and analyses you need to get better grades now. Was the bank bailout necessary? Laws are also designed to protect basic human rights granted to citizens through the United States Constitution. Why is it so necessary to have a freely elected government for democratic capitalism to create a prosperous and fair economy? Once people live together in a larger community that comprises of more eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. Because they don't have the slightest clue on what they are doing in the first place. 6 reasons why participation is important [community engagement] 6 Comments / Article / By Oliver Bates. Under the general law, a person may obtain rights or be subject to obligations because of a particular legal relationship with another person. As well as national defense, which we've already mentioned, governments exist to provide a system of justice, as well as a police force capable (at least in theory) of maintaining order and stability through fighting crime. Why is social distancing important in slowing the pandemic? Undetected and unchecked corruption in the public sector can cause serious damage including: undermining public trust in government . A Government is an organization in a specific geographic location which is dominant in physical force. This article is more than 11 years old Dean Baker Saving zombie banks supposedly prevented financial collapse. The relationship may arise because of agreement or because of a document made by a person conferring a power over the person’s property on another person. As a result, one important democratic task is more and more often taken over by the opposition parties: controlling the Government. Sign up now, Latest answer posted January 23, 2019 at 7:06:47 AM, Latest answer posted January 26, 2013 at 11:21:19 PM, Latest answer posted July 31, 2019 at 3:04:48 PM, Latest answer posted February 10, 2020 at 2:09:45 PM. Answer (1 of 2): It is necessary to have both federal and state compensation plans, because some state plans just don't offer the complete compensation that certain Americans need. It looks after the administration of laws and directs and regulates the functioning of the political unit that it governs. The fundamental reasons why organisations should adopt good governance practises include: To preserve and strengthen stakeholder confidence – nothing distracts an organisation more than having to deal with a disgruntled stakeholder group caused by a lack of confidence in the governing body. The people are expected by the government to be very proud of their nation, and the people are also expected to be devoted to the nation and willing to fight for it. Why are governments necessary? Why we need a state 2013-12-16 Revised 2017 I'm not an anarchist, and it's not just because I have a pro-state gland ;-). Limited government is important because limiting government preserves individual liberties and protects certain rights and freedoms. Sometimes, decisions have to be made on time because unnecessary delays only result in disasters and Pakistan, certainly, cannot afford to have another. When people communicate effectively, it is easier to discuss important information, share concerns or ask for help. Without government, we would only have whatever rights we were strong enough to protect on our own. Exchange rates are important to Australia's economy because they affect trade and financial flows between Australia and other countries. If there is no government to make rules, it would be difficult to manage a whole society. A government serves as a central governing authority for the people who form a country. Photo: wx-bradwang – Getty Images Abstract. Government is necessary Because without government and laws there would be people running up and down the streets killing each other. What is the nature and scope of political science? Many Americans Protection is something that keeps a person or group of people safe from harm. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. They engage in wars to defend the freedoms of their own citizens. Why is the rule of law important to business? It is ultimately up to the board of directors to determine the company’s role in … Anyone who had enough power could simply take away our property. Second, we need them to provide certain economic things that could not be provided by the private sector. We’ve discounted annual subscriptions by 50% for our End-of-Year sale—Join Now! One essential purpose of government is to create a system of justice through which the order and stability of a society are maintained. Why is good governance important? Working to improve your credit helps ensure you'll qualify for loans when you need them. Elected representatives are also less likely to reflect the transitory political passions of the moment than are the people, and thus they provide greater stability and continuity of policy to a government. Why we need a government A government is an organized system, whereby a group of individuals is given the responsibility to act on behalf of the citizens to maintain peaceful coexistence. The above is not an exhaustive list but sets out some of the reasons why policies and procedures are important to a business. Too much power will inevitably lead to abuse. Information is a primary organisational asset that is needed now and into the future. On the most basic level, even a community of a few hundred people needs some degree of formal cooperative organization. This is why community engagement is important for individuals, public organizations organisations, and governments alike. To ensure that these rules don't create unfair advantages or limit the abilities of producers and consumers, democratic societies elect the people who will represent them. The Bill of Rights ensures that all are given the right to conduct their lives in accordance with their own opinions and beliefs. Even the smallest community needs to plan for the future. The rule of law gives everyone a framework for how to act and operate. And sometimes, governments of varied counties bane together to form alliances for even greater power. Private property also requires some authoritative record keeping mechanism and a mechanism for dispute resolution. Without a central government, people would be free to do and act as they wished, with no sense of consequence. In order to achieve a sense of security, people enter a social contract where they knowingly exchange some of their personal freedoms for the benefit of having the protection of laws. Government is necessary to man because it protects us from injustice and oppression. Thus, governments construct physical boundaries when needed. Limited government is important because limiting government preserves individual liberties and protects certain rights and freedoms. What are the essential purposes of government? Government is also needed to arrange the life of a community along strategic lines. Government is necessary to ensure the proper use of force . Why? Rather than pretending that this symbiotic relationship doesn’t exist or, worse, that it isn’t necessary, both business and government must err on the side of transparency. Within a country, a government serves to protect its citizens from each other. For example, let's say a particular wasting public resources and money . They used these ideas when they developed our government. We need a state for: providing food, clothing and shelter to the poor providing medical Policing and national defense fall under this category. Free elections are a mechanism for limiting corruption. Â If we are under a governing body, we are well assured that we get protected and sheltered. They agree that penalties should be enforced for those who break the rules. With no police officers enforcing the law or with out any laws at all, our country would be in total chaos and crisis. In his sociology, Max Weber put forward a veryinfluential account of legitimacy that excludes any recourse tonormative criteria (Mommsen 1989: 20). People need a centralized regulating authority that is the driving force in the growth and development of their nation. Â There will be chaos and misunderstanding. Why you need a data governance strategy sooner rather than later If implementing a data governance strategy sounds like a hassle, that’s because it is. It's because we need a state to do many important things. When a government tries to help everyone in a country, we say it is serving the common welfare. Good recordkeeping helps you to find and share the information you need Your business relies on information. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Sign up now, Latest answer posted September 01, 2016 at 2:31:00 AM, Latest answer posted September 21, 2020 at 11:07:41 AM, Latest answer posted January 04, 2019 at 9:46:40 PM, Latest answer posted July 30, 2011 at 1:38:17 PM, Latest answer posted July 02, 2019 at 1:38:02 AM. Free elections are a mechanism for limiting corruption. Following are the various reasons why the Constitution is important: It provides a single legal basis for all the fundamental rights of the citizens in form of the Bill of Rights. So do things like education, roads in rural areas, and electricity to rural areas. Why is government necessary? The protection offered under the First Amendment only applies to the protection from restrictions and censorship from the governme… The simple fact is that in life people living together in a community have disputes with each other, and with their government: It may be about a bill that isn’t paid; Or a neighbour’s dog getting loose and injuring your toddler; A government sets rules that govern the marketplace. Sometimes, decisions have to be made on time because unnecessary delays only result in disasters and Pakistan, certainly, cannot afford to have another. Only government, in whatever shape or form it takes, has the ability to do this. Government's creation and enforcement of laws ensure that there is justice, equality and harmony. Government's collection of taxes make sure that public services are available. We need a government to protect us from having our human rights violated in these ways. In order to live together peacefully, people decided that it was better to sacrifice some personal freedoms in order to allow a few people to make the decisions for the entire group, putting trust in these people to serve the needs of the people well. Many elements of infrastructure such as water mains, sewers, electricity, roads, etc. When China can defeat the virus through lockdown, why can’t Pakistan? Government is necessary because it can potentially prevent people from being exploited and creates structure and a plan for the future within a society. The government ordered Microsoft to share information about its operating system, allowing competitors to develop innovative products using the Windows platform. It also protects private property and enables citizens to have more control over their own lives. Thinkers say that people entered into a “social contract.”  They gave up some of their freedom to the government. Government is sometimes viewed negatively, seen as something that inhibits one's freedom. The second of these purposes is economic. Congressionally mandated programs, which allow for the provision of disaster relief, general health and national human service, education and health programs are accomplished mainly due to federal tax collection. Why is nationalism important? It clearly defines the basic civil liberties, the fundaments rights of the U.S. citizens, and the power and responsibilities of the federal government in the first ten amendments listed in its Bill of Rights. Throughout history, government has served several fundamental purposes in society. The classical separation of powers is given a new dimension – the confrontation of the governing majority and the opposition. ©2020 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Last Updated by eNotes Editorial on September 1, 2019. Are you a teacher? The body of laws prevents the government from placing restrictions on the rights of citizens to express themselves. This doesn’t always hold true, but in most cases it does. If you are educated you have more chances of being heard and taken seriously. Already a member? Taxes are essential to the operation and function of the federal government, which provides constitutional functions such as maintaining a standing military. It protects your speech from attracting any form of punishment. In modern polities with large populations, representation in some form is necessary if government is to be based on the consent of the governed. The problem is that most government agencies aren’t familiar with the current business atmosphere. Therefore, I think government is necessary because without it there would not be any provided protection, resources, and regulations. We can also debate, and correct, the government when it states falsehoods. A just and free government will only do as much governing as is necessary to create the Rule of Law, but few governments stop there. Governments are needed for two main reasons. Government is necessary to ensure the proper use of force. Not limiting government enables the government to have absolute power over the citizens. We should learn from the concentrated knowledge and experience of politicians, doctors, teachers, et al. Many issues like irrigation, fire fighting, maintaining streets or roads, building aqueducts, and banding together for mutual aid in self defense or dealing with natural disasters all require a government, in the sense of some form of agreed upon leadership with well-defined types of authority. It also protects private property and enables citizens to have more control over their own lives. Terms to Know. A government is necessary because it is an organized system of leadership that is needed in any society. If we did not have government, our society would be a free for all. For the layman, this is the main reason why minimal government is necessary. It stops the government from destroying opposing views. The key to surviving in a tough business climate is adaptation. The constitution forms the basic structure of any government: The constitution of any country is important because of the fact that it lays down all the legal and cultural aspects under which its people and the governmental bodies will be governed and that too when there are foreign interactions in the personal affairs every now and then by international organizations. We’ve discounted annual subscriptions by 50% for our End-of-Year sale—Join Now! Are you a teacher? The implementation of the K-12 plan in the Philippine Basic Education Curriculum is the key to our nation’s development. Allocation of credit by the government seems to have been the major problem in the financial systems in both Mexico and in China, not a remedy for other problems. Political thinkers say that this “state of nature” would have been very difficult for people because they would have had to defend their own life, liberty, and property by force. They could kill us. Anyone that doubts the need for order should think back to their school days, and remember those times when the teacher stepped out the class for a few moments. Political thinkers say that it is necessary to have government so that government can protect our rights. Meaning of Government. However, government is a necessary element of human society which serves to establish and maintain order. The more educated you are, the better career options you have! In order to live peacefully, people agree to adhere to the rules and laws established by their government. It is also important to stretch after activity to assist recovery. Top subjects are Literature, History, and Business. Not limiting government enables the government to have absolute power over the citizens. Adam Hamilton [*] Download 500KB; currency, markets, forex. The ability of individuals who are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms, but can still spread the disease, explains why social distancing – limiting contact with others – in addition to other actions such as washing your hands and not touching your face, is so critical. They build and a maintain military presence in their own country and sometimes in other countries. Governments are necessary once people live together in communities larger than extended families and thus evolved in forms that had many of the essentials of modern governments during the neolithic period. Top subjects are History, Literature, and Social Sciences. If there were no government, our society would presumably be “everyone for themselves.” It would be a free for all because there would be no authority to keep the peace. According to Weber, that apolitical regime is legitimate means that its participants havecertain beliefs or faith (“Legitimitätsglaube”) inregard to it: “the basis of every system of authority, andcorrespondingly of ever… Because humans can be a rather selfish and self-serving species when left unchecked, this might create a sense of insecurity, leaving people unable to reasonably predict expected behaviors and the consequences of not adhering to the group's norms. What are some examples of social behavior, and what is the definition of social behavior? It involves lots of planning, changing habits, and pesky workarounds in order to secure data. Government is necessary because it can potentially prevent people from being exploited and creates structure and a plan for the future within a society. A government sets rules that govern the marketplace. The first of these purposes of government is the one that more people think about. Governments serves many functions Protects the people from outside attacks Protects people from inside violence (crime) Ensures that all people have their basic needs met Provides education Ensures adequate healthcare It helps you to get the things you need now, like a loan for a car or a credit card, based on your promise to pay later. It is important so that the an organised and national response can be made to any severe crisis in any state, but also so that a response can be made to any smaller issue on a state level. It is high time for the government to realise the importance of the matter and impose a countrywide lockdown. If legitimacy is interpreted descriptively, it refers topeople’s beliefs about political authority and, sometimes,political obligations. 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